Monday, August 19, 2019

Week 47 - Baptisms and ZL

So this week has been super super long and full of emotions. Starting on Monday night, we had another appointment with the Mendoza-Cortes family. Our plan was to figure out what their concerns were and solidify the date for their baptism. We went over there with our ward mission leader to help us figure things out. We found that the parents really just wanted to strengthen their relationship with each other before they get married and baptized. We had the family kneel down with us and have one of their kids offer their first prayer out loud, and by the end of it they were all crying. The parents said that if the kids wanted to then they could be baptized this weekend. So this week we worked to try and find a time that worked for them and that fit around all the other things that were happening at the church building. It got moved around a lot, but thanks to the Lord, we were able to find a specific time, get the baptismal suits, and put together a program all last minute basically. Elder Clay and I were getting so stressed out with all of it since things weren't working super well. However, it happened. We got the kids baptized at 8 in the morning before the first ward started. And then they came to church later that day we were able to confirm them. It was an amazing day.

This Saturday we got our transfer calls, and it was completely different than what we expected would happened. We figured that Elder Clay would leave since he's been in the Buena Vista ward longer and that I would stay and train. However, Elder Clay is staying to train, and I'm going to Port Angeles to be with Elder Borsky again! But I'm also going to be a Zone Leader now. I haven't even been a district leader, and I'm way nervous. (Jared told me his hands shook for 20 minutes after receiving the phone call). It certainly reminds me of how a mission is not a comfortable thing, and that the Lord expects us to continue to grow and improve.

This week I've been studying the scripture 3 Nephi 9:22, "Therefore, whoso repenteth and cometh unto me as a little child, him will I receive, for of such is the kingdom of God. Behold, for such I have laid down my life, and have taken it up again; therefore  repent, and come unto me ye ends of the earth, and be saved." I found this scripture as I was reading President Nelson's talk in the last priesthood session of general conference. It struck me as how this is what we, as missionaries, are trying to teach people. President Nelson commented how the Lord throughout the scriptures and to Joseph Smith says teach nothing but repentance. I've always thought that repentance was what we do when we sin, but it's really the way we can take advantage of the Atonement and improve ourselves in all aspects.

Love you!!
-Elder Jared Smith

1-2. Elder Clay and I with the Mendoza-Cortes family.

Elder Clay and I with the Mendoza-Cortes family

Elder Clay and I with the Hermanas

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