Saturday, August 31, 2019

Week 48 - Transfers

This week has been a blast!! I can't remember much about last Monday or Tuesday, but on Wednesday we had transfers. After talking with all the other missionaries, Elder Borsky and I started the 2 hour drive up to PA. It's so beautiful up here. On one side we have these tall mountains that slope down into the city, and then goes right into the ocean where you can see Victoria island (Canada) on the other side. After we got back, we just did some knocking and tried to visit some people. On Thursday we had weekly planning and did some service for some members, then we had to go to Dungeness to pick up the Forks elders since they had to stay in Tacoma for some training. We also had a lesson with Jenifer that night. She's on date for baptism on September 7th, so we talked to her about different struggles she's been having.

Then on Friday we went to Forks to interview one of their investigators, but it didn't happen since the investigator forgot about it and went camping. But we still had a great time and helped them out with talking to some Spanish folk. On Saturday we had a few more lessons. We met with Jenifer again to teach her the commandments. Then we taught Alena the plan of salvation. She's been progressing steadily, and she said her first prayer out loud with us. Other than that, we've talked with a few other people. This area is super nice. There's a lot of elderly folk up here, but we're able to have lessons with them and they let us talk with them. Anyways, that's all for this week. Love you!!

-Elder Jared Smith
My new address:
808 S Chase #E
Port Angeles, WA 98362

A funny sign we saw in a private neighborhood. 

My last night in Tacoma with Elder Clay, someone gave us sunflowers

Peppers that I harvested from my pepper plant

Caterpillar we found
Elder Borsky and I

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