Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Week 55

This week has been pretty good, and fortunately we've been pretty busy. On Tuesday we had lunch with Kimberly. She's been taught for a while now, and she is kind of all over the place. So out of nowhere she said "let's get this baptism thing over with." And so when we were with her on Tuesday we went over the baptismal interview questions. We also set a day for her baptism. However, later in the week her husband got on her phone and started texting us and was super upset. We decided to go by to talk to Kimberly and her husband, and it seemed like everything was going to be fine. Then this weekend she texts us again saying that her husband didn't want us to come by anymore and that she was done with "this baptism thing." So that was pretty crazy.

On Wednesday we met a guy named Caden in his early twenties. We were able to teach him most of the restoration. It was pretty cool to talk with him since he doesn't really know if there is a God out there or if it was just a vain hope that people give themselves. We gave him the commitment to read the Book of Mormon and follow Moroni's promise to pray and have your own witness about the truth of it. We were able to meet with him again this Sunday and we read some with him, and we're going to try to give him a church tour this next week.

On Friday we had MLC, so we had to go all the way down to Tacoma and have some trainings and then come all the way back up. It was a pretty long day, but it was good.

Saturday night we had the adult session of stake conference and a stake leadership meeting where President Leishman came and talked about how we're trying to get the ward and the missionaries to work together. The leadership meeting was really good, and I'm hoping that all those that were there will jump into action to try to help move along the work in the stake. On Sunday we had the rest of stake conference, and we were able to teach some investigators that were just visiting the area. It was pretty cool to talk with them and hear about their conversion story. They're getting baptized this weekend and they'll be sealed in the temple after that too.

That's mostly it for this week though. I hope you all have a great week!!
-Elder Smith

The ice cream social with our zone after stake conference.

Elder Borsky and I on our way back up to Port Angeles after MLC.

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