Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Week 46 - Tender Mercies Galore

This week has been pretty fantastic. A lot happened including Elder Bradley going home and another 9-9.

Starting with last Monday, we met with the Mendoza-Cortez family again and resolved a few concerns with them about being able to follow all the commandments that God has given us. Later this week, they expressed a concern that they don't feel like they know enough about the church to get baptized this Saturday. So we'll be going by tonight to figure it out with them. So pray for them that they'll have the faith to move forward towards baptism.

On Tuesday, Elder Bradley had to pack so we stayed inside for most of the day. I had previously made a list of everyone in our area book that had a phone number, and so we called all of them that day. We made about 73 calls, and it was surprisingly successful. We were able to get some return appointments, and others said that we could come back as well. That night we were able to contact a less active member who has some kids that they want us to teach and baptize.

Wednesday was pretty normal. We had breakfast with members, district council, and tried contacting a few people. We had to go inside early that night though so Elder Bradley could finish packing.

Thursday morning we got up early to drop off Elder Bradley at the office. We said our goodbyes to him there and then went about our day. That was when we started seeing a lot of tender mercies. Before, other missionaries were referring people to the Hermanas to help build up their teaching pool, but starting Thursday we started to get a whole bunch. It made us so busy, but it was a good kind of busy. We were also able to get in contact with Gloriana again. She told us that she is in school for the military right now, so she won't be able to meet with us until the end of the month.

On Friday we had another 9-9, but Elder Clay and I had to leave to give someone a blessing. A member told us that this lady wanted one, and so we went by and gave her one, and she said that we could come back and teach her the missionary lessons, so that was awesome.

Saturday was a very busy day. We were driving all over Tacoma contacting the referrals that we got and we finally got in to teach someone that night. He's an older man in his 80's it seems, and he used to be taught by the missionaries in the past. He told us that he knew that the Book of Mormon was true, but he feels like it's a sin to be baptized again. The next time we go by we'll address that concern with Acts 19:2-5 which shows that there are times when people needed to be baptized again so it could be done the proper way.

On Sunday we got to teach Jose and Alfredo again that night. They're friends who are rooming together, and they only have bikes, so they can't come to church. But they said they want to come to church sometime, and take the English Connect class that's starting soon.

This week I've been focusing on a specific scripture. It's Mosiah 2:22, "And behold, all that he requires of you is to keep his commandments; and he has promised you that if ye would keep his commandments ye should prosper in the land; and he never doth vary from that which he hath said; therefore, if ye do keep his commandments he doth bless you and prosper you." I think the thing that this scripture has really impressed upon me is how simple the gospel is. All it takes is to humble ourselves and follow Him, and He will bless us. It's as simple as that. Everything that God has He has promised to us if we simply do this. I decided to start studying a scripture each week from a general conference talk by Elder Durrant that talks about ponderizing a scripture. It's a good talk that I would recommend reading.

Well that's everything for this week. Love you all!!
-Elder Jared Smith

The zone mourning the death of Elder Bradley.

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