Thursday, October 11, 2018

Week 3: Another Day at the Temple!!

Wow this week has gone by fast!! I feel like General Conference was just yesterday! That was super good by the way. I think my favorite talks were by Elder Rasband and Elder Holland. Elder Holland's talk helped me out with some struggles I was having with another missionary, and so I acted in faith, put my trust in Christ, and walked up to that missionary against all instincts so we could settle something that was going on between us.

So I've been told to tell more about life at the CCM, so I'll give a brief overview. 6:30 get up and get ready, 7:30 is breakfast, and then we have class in one small little room until lunch at 12:30. Then we go back to the same little classroom until dinner at 6:30, then back again until 9:00. We all get really tired of that room super quickly. Basically we get a lot of lessons on how to teach better, lessons on various Spanish grammer rules, and practice teaching each other and our teachers. Sometimes in the morning we "get" to go to the TALL labs to work on computers and learn more Spanish. The program they have is so confusing because not everything is correct and it just confuses us. The only parts of the day that I look forward to are meals and gym time. My companion and I have taken up playing ultimate frisbee for gym, which is right after lunch, and we're getting pretty good at it.

Today we got to go to the temple again and had a special surprise. My companion found out just this morning that his dad was in Mexico City today and he was going to the temple. So when we got to the temple today, we got to meet his dad and do initiatories with him. Whenever we go to the temple, we can only go do an endowment session, but the branch president came with us today and he let Elder Tobler, his dad, and I go do some initiatories which was pretty interesting. But going through the endowment session, I could understand a lot more than I did two weeks ago. It was so cool! Every once in a while I would take off my head set and I could actually understand a little bit of what was going on.

So my parents need to know my favorite scripture for my plaque, and I had forgotten where it was until this week when I read it in my Spanish Book of Mormon. I thought it was so cool to have recognized enough words in Spanish to pick it out again, especially when I didn't know exactly where it was. My favorite scripture is 2 Nephi/Nefi 4:34-35. Really I love the whole chapter, but these two verses really highlight what feels like is my own testimony. To save you time, I'll type it in: "34 O Lord, I have trusted in thee, and I will trust in thee forever. I will not put my trust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his trust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm. 35 Yea, I know that God will give liberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I ask not amiss; therefore I will lift up my voice unto thee; yea, I will cry unto thee, my God, the rock of my righteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God. Amen."

Well I think that's all I can think of right now. Nos vemos!!
-Elder Smith

Ps I forgot to say that I got a haircut earlier this week, so you'll see it in the pictures.

1. The Tacomi squad before going to the temple on that cramped yellow bus
2. My amazing district leader Elder Coons
3, 4, 5. Pictures of campus

I (mom) got this sweet follow-up text today:

Sister Smith -
I had the chance to meet Elder Smith this morning as I was passing through Mexico City on a business trip.  He looks well and is in good spirits.  Our son is very much enjoying serving with him.  Their Branch President facilitated the three of us completing some initiatory together.  It was great to meet him in person. 
- Brent Tobler

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