Thursday, October 4, 2018

Week 2 I guess? Time is so weird here

Hey everybody!! I can't believe that it's already week 2/week 3. Technically I'm in the middle of week 3, but this is only my second P-day so.... Anyways it feels like I've been here for 3 months instead of 3 weeks. But at the same time it feels like just a couple days ago when I was saying goodbye at the airport.

I've really been able to notice a change in my Spanish since last week. I'd been having trouble with taking the vocab I had memorized and turning it into coherent sentence. But since then I've felt the power of the gift of tongues and the promise in D&C 100:5-6 "Therefore, verily I say unto you, lift up your voices unto this people; speak the thoughts that I shall put into your hearts, and you shall not be confounded before men; For it shall be given you in the very hour, yea, in the very moment, what ye shall say." Earlier this week we were teaching a fake investigator, and again prayed for the gift of tongues and for the Spirit to accompany me and help me with what I should say, but until this week my answer had been that it will come in time and that I had to be patient with myself. This lesson though was incredible. We started, and I hardly even struggled with making sentences. I usually have trouble with how I should even reply to different responses or questions, but this time, I felt the Spirit so strong and I hardly even paused to think. Everything just flowed and came together so well. It was amazing.

As for general conference, there are going to be some big changes made from what the rumors here say. One of the elders in my district said that their friend got their call, but they're not allowed to open it until after general conference. A lot of people are thinking that China's going to be opened, or that the length of a mission for both elders and sisters will change. Honestly, I don't know what to think, but I'm excited for a very long nap in the auditorium. We're all going to be stuck in there for several hours, it's going to be so hot, and every time we go in there for a devotional, it all gets to me and I just start to fall asleep. I'm just praying that we won't have to wear suits for general conference, otherwise it might be pretty miserable.

Well I don't really have much to say since just about everyday feels exactly the same as all the others, so I hope that those of you dealing with the fire, floods, and mudslides in Elk Ridge will be safe.

My disctrict at the temple last week. From left to right: Top row: E. Atkinson, E. Coons (district leader), me, my companion E. Tobler, E. Moore, E. Van Mondfrans. Middle row: E. Christensen, E. Decker, E. Johnson, E. McGrath. Bottom: Hermana Murphy, Hermana Van Woerkam.
The district again.
The Tacomies (we're all going to the same mission, and we're in the same apartment).

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