Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Week 81

Hello everyone!

We're still alive and well here in the Pacific Northwest. Last P-day seems like it was 2 weeks ago and yet the week passed swiftly. We were able to teach Pam again this week and helped her understand the Creation and the Fall of Adam and Eve. It's been awesome to see her progress and begin to pray more sincerely. Things are still moving quite slow with her, but it's slow and steady.

We're also teaching a guy named Adam who has quite a bit more religious experience than Pam and our conversations with him (over the phone of course) are really in depth and he understands a lot about the scriptures. So right now we've left him a commitment to read and pray and we'll continue to work through some of the lessons with him.

Also this Saturday we get transfer calls and I'm mostly likely going to be transferred to my last area...RIP. Anyways, one thing that I've been grateful for since being quarantined is the amount of time we now have to get some extra studies in there. That's probably one of my favorite things that I've learned on my mission is how to learn from and study the scriptures. Also each week we now are taking an institute class and this last week the topic was on the Atonement of Jesus Christ. One of the things that I loved that our teacher really emphasized is how Jesus loved us so much that he didn't just want to hear about our pains and sufferings from some second hand account, but He wanted to feel everything we feel so He can empathize with us (Alma 7:11-12). But that mostly sums up the week love you all!
-Elder Smith

Getting food dropped off by some Samoan investigators
(there were ribs, corn bread muffins, rice, baked beans, Sam's Cola)

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