Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Week 79 - Day 19 of Quarantine (I think that rhymes haha)

Hello everyone!

This week has been fairly good. We had a virtual zone conference where we were told that we are going to start doing finding on Facebook. What we have right now is each zone in the mission has a Facebook page that we're going to be putting uplifting messages on daily so that we can get people coming to us with questions. The key part is just getting it out there so we're just trying to invite everybody possible to like the page so more people can see it.

Also our mission president sent out an email this week that shows which groups will be going home when. So instead of coming home the 3rd of September I'll be coming home July 23rd assuming things don't clear up and we still have more missionaries from the foreign countries coming back.
This week we were able to teach an older woman named Pam. We've been teaching her over the phone and it's been super awesome because she's so invested in learning, but the problem is that she doesn't understand the scriptures because of the old way in which it speaks. So right now we're just trying to help her understand the scriptures and gain a testimony of them.

You could also say we enjoyed conference. I mean it was pretty amazing. The speakers were so powerful and the presence of the Spirit was super strong. I got some good notes from it, and I'm anticipating the time that they release the written talks so I can go back and look at what I missed. I don't know if I can say that I have a favorite talk, but I definitely noticed an emphasis on how we Hear Him. Many of the speakers talked about ways we can more effectively Hear Him and how important it is to know how He speaks to us and to remember the times when He does speak.
I hope you're all staying healthy out there.

Love you!
-Elder Smith

Me eating the lunch that my dad ordered for my companions and I

Watching conference from our apartment on a TV a ward member gave us to use

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