Monday, June 10, 2019

Week 37: Nothing much other than hunger

This week was pretty great. Not a lot has happened this week other than the grind of trying to put together our Tac-10 (basically our top 10 investigators; right now we don't really have anyone solid and we're trying to find more). We have gotten a lot of referrals from the other missionaries in our area, and we've been going through that a lot, and some of them have actually been interested. We've been able to teach them a little bit and get some return appointments set up, so hopefully things will go well with that.

Last night we had a Why I Believe fireside that was really good. We didn't have any investigators come to that unfortunately, but we had some at church. Not a whole lot is happening just yet, but we're working on getting more people to teach.

Also Elder Bradley's MSF card didn't refill, so he hasn't been able to buy groceries. Also the apartment is way empty, so we're slowly refilling the shelves. This last week, we didn't have a whole lot to eat though, so we were pretty hungry by the end, but it's okay now that we went grocery shopping. Also, we've done some praying for some help, and a few members reached out to us on Sunday offering to feed us and give us food, so that was super awesome. Prayer works, and specific prayer works miracles. I love that even though things may not be progressing, it doesn't mean the Lord isn't watching out for us. I've been able to see Him helping us rebuild this area and get things going again.

Love you all!!
- Elder Smith

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