Monday, April 22, 2019

Week:30 Transfers

Hey everyone! This week has felt really long, but it's been really great. Tuesday was our last day with Elder Mendenhall, and we had to say goodbye to him on Wednesday for transfers. We've had a lot of good things happen this week. Tuesday night, Elder Salisbury and I knocked with Elder Jewkes. He is a senior missionary, and he's been training the missionaries in our stake on a few things. It was really fun to knock with him, because he is very exuberant when talking to people. He also got into his first bible bash with us. It was pretty interesting to see him get fired up with the man that we were talking to, especially when he's already pretty blunt and forward with people.

Wednesday we picked up Elder Zerek Stratton from Mesa, Arizona. He's been out for 9 months or so, and he's really awesome. He's pretty big into sports when he was back home, and he's super funny and nice.

The rest of the week was pretty smooth. We got to teach the Lamothe family again and teach them the plan of salvation. They've also been wanting to start a garden, so we gave them some pepper plants that Elder Larsen grew in our office. We also got to teach John on Saturday night, but things have been pretty hard with him because he's simply interested in learning about religion and he isn't progressing and he's not willing to try and have a little faith to pray. He learned about psychology in college, so he believes that most people's feelings are just things that their brain makes up. It's kind of annoying.

We also did splits with the zone leaders again, and that was super fun. We got a new zone leader, and Elder Larsen and I were with him for the day, and I learned so much from it. It was super great!

One thing that I've been thinking about lately is testimony. When Elder Pearson came to our mission a few months ago, he said that your testimony is your most powerful tool. That kind of confused me, because I thought that the Book of Mormon was our most powerful tool. I found a talk yesterday by Elder Oaks called Testimony, and he talks about how "a testimony of the gospel is a personal witness borne to our souls by the Holy Ghost that certain facts of eternal significance are true and that we know them to be true." I've found that while the Book of Mormon is the keystone of our religion, the Spirit testifies to the hearts of others that the things that we say when we bear our testimony are true. I thought I'd just share that since it was on my mind.
But that's all for this week. Love you all!!
-Elder Smith

Also here's a picture of us at having Easter dinner at a member's house. It was way good. The brisket was super tender and delicious.

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