Monday, February 11, 2019

Week 20: Lots of walking and lots of snow

This week was great. It really was, even though at times it got discouraging. So last week we had a big snow storm on Monday that made it so we couldn't drive that day. But from Tuesday to Thursday we were driving again. Friday night we were sent in early again because of another big snow storm. Saturday we didn't go out at all that day, Sunday church was canceled, but we got to walk to places for appointments, so it was better than nothing. Today we've been able to use the car, but only to get groceries and other necessities.

The discouraging parts were when we had lots of people lined up to talk with, but that we were walking so we couldn't get to very many. Plus, on Saturday I felt completely useless. All we did was stay inside and clean and play board games. Friday we had service in the morning, and lot of walking between helping some members move. So we didn't get out to teach anyone that day.

Thursday was temple day. It was really awesome. We had to wake up extra early that morning to get there on time, but it was worth it. We took up until dinner that day at the temple, so we didn't do any work until after dinner.

On Wednesday we had district council which took up a good chunk of time, and Tuesday was just a normal day. So I feel like this week took a really long time and we haven't gotten to work very much. And we just got sent home again. All of us are so tired of sitting inside. It's nice and all to relax, but there's not much to do and we all want to get to work. But anyways, that's mostly all that's happened this week. We didn't get to teach very many people because of the weather. Everyone is also rescheduling on us. Have a great week!
-Elder Smith

1. Picture of a cool tree

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