Monday, May 4, 2020

Day 594 - May the Fourth be with you

Hello again! With transfers, this week has dragged on to be super long. On Wednesday we got to transfers and exchanged luggage into cars and left super quick. It was awesome how fast it was! So now I'm here in Silverdale with Elder Johnson, and things have been pretty good up here.

Yesterday on Sunday we were able to give a recent convert the Aaronic Priesthood and help him administer the sacrament to his family for the first time. It was a pretty cool experience, and by the sound of it he's had an amazing journey to get to this point. So now we'll be teaching him the recent convert lessons as well as teaching his two sons so they can get baptized as well.

We're working with a few other solid people, but I don't know a whole lot about them just yet. I should know a little bit more by next week though. Love you all! Hope you have a great week!
-Elder Smith

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