Monday, October 28, 2019

Week 57

Hey everyone, this week has been super great!! Starting with Wednesday we were able to talk with Alena some and we brought fellowship with us, and so far it seems like they get along well. Later during the week we were able to talk to her again and show her some of the Book of Mormon videos. It's been cool to see her progressing, and she's shown more interest in being baptized.

Thursday was Elder Borsky's birthday, and his parents ordered us three pizzas and a cake from Safeway. It was a pretty good day. Then on Saturday we met with an older lady named Donna. She rescues parrots and has four right now. She told us that she's been looking for a church, and that she's prayed to God for help. She thought it was so amazing that we just happened to come by and knock on her door. She was telling us that this just might be the one. She agreed with everything we had to say, and she wants to learn. It's super awesome.

On Saturday we had a cool experience. It was 6:59 and we were about to finish up knocking, and so we knocked on the last door (it's super dark at this point and most people were telling us to go home and go to bed). This old woman answers the door and almost shut the door on us, but on second thought she let us in. She told us that she was taught by the sister missionaries about a year ago, and we were able to resolve some of her concerns right then, and we're going to be going back to talk to her some more and answer more questions. Anyways, that's all for this week. Love you all!!

-Elder Smith

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