Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Week 49- Half way there

So a year from tomorrow I'll be home. It's so weird to think about. Next week will be my halfway point, and the week after is my year mark. It's all coming way too fast. But this week has been really good.

We've had a few good lessons this week. Jennifer is still on date for this Saturday, but we're worried she won't make it because of Word of Wisdom issues. She keeps saying that she's going to stop smoking, but she hasn't yet. We've talked with Alena a bit more and talked to her a bit more about baptism and the importance of it, so she said she'll have it as a higher priority for things to pray about.

This last week we had combined district council and mission leader conference (MLC) both of which were pretty good. In district council all I had to do was help the zone pick a goal for the month of September of how many baptisms we want to try to get, and at MLC we had a good training about how to have better doorsteps which was pretty good. So this next week at our temple trip/zone conference Elder Borsky and I have to give a training on a part of it, so I hope that goes well. Surprisingly, I haven't been too stressed about it. We don't have too much time because of the temple trip, and both Elder Borsky and I will be doing it, so it'll be pretty easy.

There's deer everywhere up here.
They let you walk almost all the way up to them.

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