This week has gone by soooo fast, and the transfer has gone by even faster. This Saturday we get our transfer calls and the week after is transfers. And then Elder Bradley will be home in four weeks. This is all happening so fast. The mission needs to take a chill pill and slow down!
As for the week. We haven't had too many lessons. We've tried by different people, but no one's been home. Maximo is coming back from Mexico this Saturday, and our appointment with Gloriana fell through. She thought it was going to be a class where other people were going to be there too, so she canceled and told us to schedule another day and have it be the same day we schedule it on. So that was a little frustrating.
Last Sunday we went by Erick and Jessica. They have a small young family, and the Erick had recently broken his back at work a couple weeks ago. We stopped by and gave him a blessing and invited them to read in the BOM. This Sunday we went by again and talked with their entire family and we read out of the BOM with them. We were also able to get the kids English copies since they didn't understand Spanish too well.
Other than that, we didn't have much this week. We had another 9-9, and we had more success this week, and we found some people that we'll be going back to this week. Hopefully things will turn out with them. Love you!!
- Elder Smith
I've been growing some pepper plants for a few months now, and so I transplanted them to a bigger pot. However, I had to smash the glass jar it was in so I could get it out.
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