Saturday, March 2, 2019

Week 22: Exchanges

Not a whole lot happened this week.The highlights were stake conference, having done some truly inspired knocking on Tuesday, and meeting some of our focus people.

Everyday when we plan, we try to be inspired about where we need to knock that night from 5 to 7. On Tuesday when we had exchanges with the district leader, we felt the need to knock this one road that had a small apartment complex, and not many other houses. We didn't think it would take our whole 2 hours for that night, but we felt we needed to do it anyways. We started with the apartment complex, and it was amazing. We found a lot of people to teach, and the complex alone took us an hour and a half. The main reason for that was because this one door we knocked on they actually let us in. It was a young family of a two year old daughter and the parents. The mom grew up a member, but her family left the church when she was young, or something like that. So we started teaching them. We taught the restoration, and when we got to the first vision, the mom, Zarita, could feel the power of the event as I quoted Joseph's experience. And then right after that, the 2 year old ran up and hugged me out of nowhere. That was super cool, especially since the mother took that as a sign that her daughter could feel the power of our message. When we finished teaching the lesson, Zarita asked us if we could give a blessing to her daughter since she has been having night terrors and wouldn't go to bed. That was when I gave my first blessing. I was so nervous about it, because I didn't want to mess up, but I could feel the Spirit comforting me as I gave the blessing and telling me that it was okay. The blessing was pretty short, but the Spirit was so strong. It was a really cool experience for me. And what's even better is right after meeting Zarita, a couple doors down we found a Hispanic man who said we could come back. We'll have to refer him, but that's okay.

Saturday night, we had the adult session of stake conference where someone from the quorum of the seventy spoke. It was really amazing to hear him speak, and at times it felt like he was speaking right to me. I got some answers from it that I have been looking for, but it didn't answer everything. Then on Sunday we had stake conference, and I stayed after to play piano for a baptism that some elders were having. So I didn't do anything for that day, but after 7 I got to go visit one of our focus people who tried to drop us because she didn't understand what the Book of Mormon can give her that the bible doesn't. She's also afraid to read it, because we're seen as a cult from the perspective of other churches.

We also visited some of our other focus people. Jillian, a foster child who hasn't been baptized, is living with some members, but in two weeks she's going back to her family and her parents want her to get baptized in a different church. Jillian wants to get baptized super bad, but we're not sure if her parents will let her. We might be able to continue meeting with her after she goes back to her family since they've been talking about moving up to Bonney Lake within these next two weeks. We're just hopeful that they'll be in hour area.

As for Proctor and Gatlin, we've tried visiting them a few times, and it's getting to the point where they're not progressing and are getting stuck on the same point. They're very great at listening without listening. It's kind of annoying, but that's where they're at now. But that's all for this week. Love you all!
-Elder Smith

The Puyallup zone after the adult session of stake conference.

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